Zimmerstraße 23, 10969 Berlin
Telefon: +49 30 226593-0

Foundations and non-profit companies are a UHY speciality.
For many years we have audited and advised non-profit organisations in various industries and legal forms: Schools, associations, societies and church organisations….
Energy supply

Privatisation has changed the industry. Energy suppliers are constantly facing new challenges through new conditions in the legislative framework. As electricity and gas supply companies you are therefore forced to exhaust all possibilities to increase your competitiveness and to manage the various risks that the liberalised energy markets bring with it…
Real Estate

Real estate companies represent a sector focus in our audit and consulting activity. We have extensive practical experience in the management of real estate companies in all areas…

For years we have successfully delivered comprehensive tax and business consulting services for many municipalities and municipal companies in the areas of waste management, water management, transport and economic development as well as the implementation of statutory annual and consolidated financial statements in compliance with the respective special laws…
Life Sciences


The internet and new technologies create new challenges for the tourism industry. We have many years of experience in tax and business consulting for hotels, tour operators and travel agencies…
Trade and production

We serve renowned companies in the industry. Our activities include both auditing and consulting in all tax matters. In addition, companies are supported with business questions related to their earnings optimisation or reorganisation…

Foundations enjoy a justified high esteem in society. They make an important contribution by promoting sustainable goals that benefit us all. Foundations also form an integral part of the economy. Foundations and the underlying foundation concepts are diverse and take into account personal requirements and life circumstances of the founders…
Educational institutions

The educational policy debate, the results of the PISA study and not least, the first federal and state commissioned report on education in Germany have led to increased social attention on education in Germany in the context of a globalised world…

The media industry is undergoing a process of transformation. The change in media utilisation as a result of digitalisation poses the industry with new challenges…
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