Annegret Kulla Chartered accountant, Tax consultant, Diploma in business

Annegret Kulla

• Born in 1972
• Studied business management at TU Berlin
• Working since 1997
• Appointed as a tax adviser in 2002
• Employed at UHY Lauer & Dr. Peters KG
since 2002 at the Berlin office
• Appointed as a public auditor in 2008
• Partner at UHY Lauer & Dr. Peters KG since 2008
Fields of expertise

• Reviewing annual and consolidated financial statements
in accordance with HGB and IFRS
• Group accounting and international accounting
• Due Diligence
• National and international tax consulting
Specific professional experience

• Biotechnology/Life Sciences
• Private schools
• Chemical industry
Member of the following professional association

• Institute of Public Auditors (IDW)
All partners and professionals